At our company, the operation of a quality management system is fundamental, so we apply the following principles in our daily work:
- We flexibly adapt to the expectations of our partners; we try to identify their needs and respond to them as soon as possible.
- We know that we are only able to meet the growing demand of our customers at higher standards if we continuously improve the product manufacturing process, our implemented quality management system and our professional competencies.
- We believe that only the satisfaction of our customers can create the continued success of our business, which is ensured by regular customer contact, reliable quality products, and the personal and technological conditions necessary for the performance of tasks.
- We carry out our activities in such a way that the load on our environment does not exceed what is absolutely necessary, within reasonable economic and financial limits.
- We strive to maintain and strengthen the correct relationship with our suppliers, and we demand the full implementation of our quality standards.
- We place emphasis on the efficient use of energy and strive to optimize the use of materials in all operations.
- For the implementation of a quality management system in accordance with the MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, the management of GEK Team Ltd. provides the appropriate resources and requires all its employees to comply with and enforce the quality management documentation system.